Now then, somewhere back in the mid-late 1980s, I was in my early-mid 20s. My group of friends would put on a very elaborate Hallowe'en show for the trick or treaters. It was at my friend Alan's house in Westwood. Alan had been doing this for many years before I entered the story, but as a lover of Hallowe'en myself, I jumped right in. Alan had made, what can only be described as a Hallowe'en Mix Tape. It was a collection of various Hallowe'en themed songs, mostly from long out of print folk records. It was delightful. We listened to it year after year when the Dark Month rolled around. It was no easy task, but I have tracked down some of these songs, oh so many years later and have included some of them on this final episode. Those are joined with some other classics I have chosen...and even an original Hallowe'en ditty by Alan himself.
- The RadioFreeCatlandia Managment
The Island of Lost Souls Podcast at RadioFreeCatlandia - Ep. 10